Please be safe

It is important for us to keep our patients, their families, and our communities safe. We ask all our patients to follow the advice of the local and public health authorities about COVID -19.


The safety and health of our patients and their families are of the utmost importance to us.

Be assured that we are following the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada, which is working with provincial governments and international partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

We are using up-to-date cleaning and sterilization techniques to keep our patients safe.

Patients that have travelled outside of Canada must self-quarantine from attending our office. If you are ill, please remain at home or seek medical attention. For further information please call 811.


Martensville Dental Clinic Doctors and Staff

Please help protect yourself and others;

  1. Wash hands frequently – 20 seconds with soap and water – use hand sanitizer
  2. Do not touch surfaces and then your eyes, mouth and nose
  3. Use tissues when you cough or sneeze – wash hands or sanitizer
  4. Practice social distancing, by not shaking hands, hugging, etc.
  5. Stay home if you become ill to prevent the spread of the illness.

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